Horspath Church of England Primary School
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Vision and Values

"You are the light of the world. A city standing upon a hill cannot be hidden. Nobody lights a candle and puts it under a bucket. They put it upon a candlestick, and it shines for everyone who is in the house. In the same way, let your light shine in front of people, so that they might see the good things you do and give praise to your Father, who is in heaven." Matthew 5.14-5.16

Vision Statement

Horspath Church of England Primary School is resolute in providing the best educational opportunities for all individuals in its care. Our vision is to provide a happy, loving and nurturing environment where all are valued and recognise their gifts, have the confidence to strive for excellence and make outstanding progress, and can develop and fulfil their hopes and aspirations so they may shine as lights in the world. We encourage all members of the school community to lead by good example and inspire others; to stand up for what is right, and offer help to all; to be persevering, and to make a positive difference to the world. Through our values of responsibility, courage, kindness and justice our vision is brought to life in the school community.

Our four Christian values are:

  • Responsibility - taking ownership for our learning, choices and actions
  • Courage - putting aside fear and persevering even when things are hard
  • Kindness - showing care and offering help to others even if they do not offer it to you
  • Justice - standing up for what is right and making a positive difference in the world

British Values

At Horspath, we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

St Giles’ Church

We are fortunate that the school is located close to St Giles’ Church, which means that special events such as the Nativity Play and the Leavers’ Service can take place there. St Giles’ is one of the churches in the Benefice of Garsington, Cuddesdon and Horspath. The Reverend Karen Charman is Vicar of the Benefice and visits the school each week to lead worship.


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